Not Who You Were Before: A Different Type of Printing Company


Greetings, Printer Friends!

As I recently found myself in front of the camera for a new work headshot (which you’ve probably noticed on the Tip of the Week videos), I couldn’t help but reflect on the changes that life has etched onto my face over the past ten years.

As a woman who navigated the challenges of raising three teenagers, confronted numerous health hurdles, and joyfully ticked off items from her bucket list, the person staring back at me in the photograph is undoubtedly not the same individual I was a decade ago.

And guess what? That’s perfectly okay.

Embracing Change: A Personal Journey

The journey of the last ten years has molded me into someone resilient, compassionate, and, dare I say, wiser.

It’s been a ride filled with highs and lows, but each experience has contributed to the person I am today. Much like our personal lives, businesses, too, undergo transformative journeys.

At Marketing Ideas For Printers, we’re no exception to this evolution.

A decade ago, we were a different company with different goals, a smaller (all-local) team, and a vision for the future that was just taking shape. Fast forward to the present, and the growth we’ve experienced is nothing short of remarkable.

Growth Beyond Measure

We’ve seen employees come and go, faced challenges head-on, and celebrated victories, big and small. However, what truly sets us apart is our commitment to evolution.

Our journey has seen the introduction of Odyssey (Print MIS), the integration of Advanced SEO services, the implementation of custom marketing strategies, and a myriad of other updates that have collectively shaped us into a stronger, more capable organization.

The changes we’ve embraced were not always easy. Much like the effort, pain, and difficulty emphasized by Theodore Roosevelt, each step out of our comfort zone has been an investment in becoming a better company. And it’s worth it because it aligns with our mission: helping printers like you succeed in selling more printing.

Encouraging Transformation in the Printing World

So, dear printers, as we collectively navigate a world that has been reshaped by the events of the past few years, it’s time for a moment of reflection.

Just as I’ve changed over the years,
just as Marketing Ideas For Printers has transformed,
how have you evolved?

The printing landscape is not the same as it was a decade ago.

Consider the changes in print-buyer behavior, digital printing advancements, the rise of online interactions, and the need for all businesses to adapt to new norms post-Covid19. These things have required that we rethink, reimagine, and rebuild our approaches to business.

Questions to Reflect on Your Printing Business

So, you know me; now it’s your turn. Take a moment to reflect on your print business’s journey and unveil those insights that will spark new growth. As you do so, here are a few questions to ponder to get you started:

  1. Connecting with Customers: Are you still hitting the mark with what your print buyers truly need? Have you had a heart-to-heart with your clients lately to understand their evolving expectations?
  2. Tech Check: Is your printing tech keeping up with the times, or could it use a little boost? Any cool new tools or systems out there that could make your life (and your customers’ lives) easier? (Psst… we might know of a few. 😉 )
  3. Staying in the Loop: Have you taken a peek at what’s trending in the printing world lately? Are you on the pulse of shifts in how people are approaching print, and is your business riding those waves?
  4. Brand Talk: Does your brand speak the language of today, or is it stuck in a time capsule? Could there be a chance to add a personal touch, making your business more relatable to your audience?
  5. Rolling with the Punches: How nimble is your business in the face of surprises? Are your strategies flexible enough to handle the unexpected twists and turns that come with running a printing business today?

These are just a few friendly prompts to help you dig deep and see where your printing business stands in this ever-changing landscape. Remember, change isn’t just a buzzword; it’s your secret weapon for staying not just relevant but thriving.

Wishing you transformative insights!

All the best,


Written By: Rachel Nies

Written By: Rachel Nies

Rachel has a passion for helping others succeed. She doesn’t like the limelight but will do everything she can to help you get there. A born implementer with a love for content creation, editing, project management and administration, Rachel uses her unique abilities as the Director of Marketing at Marketing Ideas For Printers, helping printers across the country sell more printing through marketing content and online ordering solutions.

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