Embracing AI in Printing: The Missing Ingredient for Success

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide, and the printing industry is no exception. While many printers have dabbled in AI, few have harnessed its full potential.

The missing ingredient? Training.

As printers, we are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better service to our customers, and AI offers solutions to all these challenges and more. By leveraging AI, you can streamline your operations, automate routine tasks, and gain insights that were previously unattainable.

The Power of AI Training

AI training isn’t about becoming an expert overnight; it’s really about understanding how to leverage AI effectively for your print business.

Earlier this year, I joined a community of AI experts and was transformed from a novice to a proficient user in just weeks. The AI Foundations course I took was the catalyst for this transformation, providing an intensive, hands-on experience that took me from a beginner (white belt) AI user to an advanced user (black belt). Hiya!

Real-World Success with AI For Printers

Let me translate this training into what it quickly became.

As part of my AI training, I created an AI tool to help printers conduct a budgeted hourly rate (BHR) study. Typically, printers would pay thousands of dollars for such a study, but the BHR tool (available for free in the AI for Printers Academy) accomplishes this task in a fraction of the time.

This BHR tool showcases how AI can work as a team to perform real work quickly and efficiently for you.

I was skeptical when the AI Foundations course promised 10x, 100x, and even 1000x improvements in process efficiency. However, I soon realized the truth of these claims after creating the BHR tool, recognizing that 1000x improvements are indeed possible.

I demonstrate this BHR tool at each AI for Printers NanoSummit, illustrating the tangible benefits of AI in real-world applications.

The Key to ROI is Training

How can you achieve a similar 1000x return on investment (ROI) with AI?


Training is the critical factor that separates those who merely dabble in AI from those who truly benefit from it. Without proper training, it’s easy to get lost in the complexities of AI and miss out on its full potential. Training provides the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use AI tools and apply them to real-world scenarios.

AI For Printers NanoSummit

The AI for Printers NanoSummit is an intensive training session designed to provide you with hands-on experience and a deep understanding of AI’s potential. You can be prepared to leave the summit equipped with practical knowledge and skills to implement AI in your operations immediately.

AI For Printers Academy

The AI for Printers Academy complements this by providing ongoing access to AI tools and resources. It’s a great way to continue learning and stay updated on the latest advancements in AI. By combining the intensive training of the NanoSummit with the continuous support of the Academy, printers can ensure they are fully equipped to leverage AI effectively.


AI For Printers is Not Just a Futuristic Concept

Artificial intelligence is not just a tool that can revolutionize the printing industry, it is a game-changer!

However, to unlock its full potential, proper training is essential. The AI for Printers NanoSummit and the AI for Printers Academy provide the perfect starting points for printers looking to integrate AI into their operations.

Don’t wait to explore the possibilities that AI offers. Sign up for the NanoSummit and the Academy today, and take the first step toward transforming your printing business. With the right training, you can achieve remarkable results and stay ahead of the competition.

Your Next Steps

Visit ai4printers.com today to sign up for the AI for Printers NanoSummit* and the AI for Printers Academy. Start your journey toward mastering AI and revolutionizing your printing business.

*The AI for Printers NanoSummit is an overview of the AI Foundations course. In the NanoSummit, I provide an overview of the entire AI Foundations course, including hands-on training that covers all the material from the White Belt course. This comprehensive introduction ensures you leave with a solid understanding of AI’s potential and practical ways to implement it in their printing operations.

Written by

Dave Hultin

President, Marketing Ideas For Printers

Dave Hultin is the president and visionary behind Marketing Ideas For Printers. He's on a mission to lead printers to success by providing powerfully innovative online ordering solutions and impossible-to-ignore content. If you're looking to sell more printing and grow your business, follow Dave on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/davehultin/.