Discussing DISC Profiles

About a month ago, our entire company completed the popular DISC analysis to help improve our interpersonal communications and grow as a team. On Wednesday, we shut off the phones for a company-wide meeting to learn more about what our DISC profiles mean.

For those of you who may not know, one aspect of the DISC personality test stresses the importance of understanding what makes your coworkers tick — and more importantly, what might tick them off! By speaking to each other in ways that best account for how we process information, we can communicate more effectively, work more harmoniously, and get more done with less mistakes due to miscommunication. Of course, we’ve already been working together effectively, harmoniously and with rare miscommunication…this process just helps us do that even better.

So we had some good laughs and some good food. Then, most importantly, we got back to work serving you.

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