New Print Tip: 5 Rules for Readability with Type

Typography is SO important! You know it, and now you can make sure your customers and website visitors know it, too! 5 Rules for Readability with Type is the newest tip added to the Ideas Collection on the websites provided by Marketing Ideas For Printers.

The five rules presented in this tip include:

  1. Keep typography simple.
  2. Stay consistent.
  3. Use upper and lower case.
  4. Keep lines short and add white space.
  5. Use serifs.

These rules are presented to your customer in a format that includes examples on why the rule is important, and how to implement each rule in practical, day-to-day usage.

For printers using websites from Marketing Ideas For Printers, this new tip can be found in the Print Tips section of the Ideas Collection. (Not using a website from Marketing Ideas For Printers? You can see the tip here on one of our demo websites.)

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