We love adding fresh content to Websites For Printers websites! Earlier this week we added a new Design Tip to the Ideas Collection of the Websites For Printers websites. The new tip, Grab Them Right Out of the Gate, educates print buyers on how to use a gate fold to present big information in a small brochure. This is the kind of information that not only educates your website visitors, but positions you as the go-to printer with answers and solutions. Have a look at Grab Them Right Out of the Gate as it appears on one of the Websites For Printers demo websites. The new tip made its appearance not only on the website, but also in the latest issue of the twice-monthly Printer@Work email newsletter built into each Websites For Printers website. Each issue of Printer@Work features a tip from the Ideas Collection plus more fun sales-building content.
Subscriber List Import Reinstated Previously, we announced the removal of the email-list import feature for the Printer@Work email newsletter, to ensure compliance with changes in Canadian law that required “explicit opt-in” for delivering content such as newsletters, and to promote email best-practices in general. Due to several requests to reinstate that tool, we have now added it back, with a warning: use at your own risk — it’s becoming increasingly risky to send messages to people who have not explicitly expressed an interest in receiving them. Legal considerations aside, sending unsolicited email can do serious harm to your reputation and credibility as a business. By contrast, sending a newsletter that provides value to customers who look forward to getting it can be one of the best tools available to you for building relationships and credibility. After all, that’s why we created the Printer@Work newsletter! To import your email list, choose My Website from the Control Center’s main menu, and then select Subscribers from the Printer@Work sidebar menu. Export Customer Lists From Level 2 and Level 3 Sites We’re also happy to announce that you can now export your customer lists from your Level 2 and Level 3 websites. This was
The Rule Of The Day: Explicit Opt-in The Canadians are implementing a strong anti-spam law beginning July 1, 2014. In preparation, we’ve made some adjustments to the way Printer@Work subscriptions are handled. Though it is a Canadian law, we’ve chosen to make these changes for all of our websites, because they represent best practices when it comes to building a subscriber list that won’t get your content flagged as spam. The changes we’re making have two goals in mind: Ensure that every subscriber to the Printer@Work wants to subscribe to Printer@Work Staunchly protect our customers from any allegations that say otherwise We are implementing the following changes as they are developed. Some you may already have noticed on your own site: Remove uploadable subscriber lists Remove pre-selection of the “I want to subscribe to Printer@Work” checkbox Allow printshops to unsubscribe users, but not subscribe them Remove requirement for user to confirm their email address when unsubscribing Moving On To Plan “B” We know these may not be popular changes, because they tend to make it more difficult for you to add subscribers to your newsletter. Meanwhile, your customers are still able to subscribe to it themselves as they always have.
We sent out the first edition of the new Printer@Work 2.0 today. Overall, it went well, but with one big error: we have become aware of several issues of the newsletter delivered with broken links. Links that should be going to pages on your own website appear to have been randomly associated with other sites in our database! Here’s what we know so far: Printer@Work 1.0 is unaffected. All Printer@Work 2.0 issues set to basic delivery are affected. (Printer@Work 2.0 custom issues are not affected.) The broken links are the “Send this article to a friend” links and the “Click here to visit the Ideas Collection” link. Navigation links, Fun@Work links and the subscribe / unsubscribe links function as expected. We are still in the process of working out a plan for mitigating this issue. Since this involves email, the links in the emails that have already been sent cannot be updated. We are in the process of working to develop the best redirect strategy that we can, so that when users click the link going to the wrong site, we redirect them to the correct site (ideally), or anywhere else but another printer’s website. Please accept our most profound