A solid LinkedIn presence can be a great way to increase your sales of print products and services. With more than 930 million users, it’s the go-to social media platform for professionals looking to connect with potential customers and partners. Crafting a great LinkedIn profile can help you reach out to potential and current print buyers, share valuable content, and grow your network. Crafting a Great LinkedIn Profile that Helps You Sell More Printing Services Here are nine tips to help you create a LinkedIn profile that will attract customers looking for print marketing, signs, and services: 1. Use an Attention-Grabbing Headline Your LinkedIn headline is the first thing a potential print buyer will see when they search for you or come across your profile, making it an incredibly powerful sales tool. In the world of print, standing out from the competition is crucial, and having an attention-grabbing headline can be the difference between making a sale or being overlooked. A clever and creative headline can pique a prospect’s curiosity, draw them in, and make them eager to learn more about you and what your printing company has to offer. Your headline should say more than you’re a print company
Technology has revolutionized how your print buyers communicate, share information, and shop. Social networks connect businesses to billions of users each day, and even if your print buyers are NOT on social media, there are still several reasons why your printing company needs social media to help increase the visibility of your print website. Here are nine of them. 9 Reasons Your Print Website Needs Social Media for SEO 1. Content Longevity Social media offers a powerful way to amplify your SEO, allowing you to extend the reach and longevity of your content. For example, if you write an article targeting wintertime activities or trends, publishing this on social media will ensure it remains visible and relevant long after its initial posting on your website. Social media can help extend the life of this post, making it stay pertinent even after a year has passed when you repost the article link on your various social networking sites. Doing this keeps the article relevant even if it was published a while ago. This helps to extend its shelf life significantly and increases visibility for a longer period. Year after year, keep your seasonal articles relevant by sharing them on social media
Social media is essential to your print business, and because your print buyers are on various social media channels, you and your brand need to be where they are. Social media marketing works because it helps you: Achieve better customer service Control your reputation Increase trust in your business Generate more website traffic Complement all of your other marketing But maybe you feel overwhelmed trying to manage a social media presence for your business. Or perhaps you have no idea what a successful social media strategy for printers looks like. If this is you, rest assured that social media doesn’t have to be complex or complicated, certainly not to start. If you want to get started on social media with a consistent presence across various channels, it’s time to consider Social Marketing For Printers. What is Social Marketing For Printers? Imagine hiring an employee at your business to find fun and relevant content for you to post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and your blog every single day. Then, imagine you only have to pay that employee $50 a month. Social Marketing For Printers is a monthly subscription service that does just that. You receive daily content to post to your
Social media is a powerful sales tool for printers – provided that you leverage the proper techniques. It’s a perfect way to give value to your potential print buyers, establish yourself as an authority in the print industry, raise awareness for your brand, and more – all at the same time. It will, however, require a lot of trial and error to perfect. Therefore, if you want to excel at social media for printers, there are several essential tips to keep in mind. Know WHAT to Post on Social Media By far, the most critical social media for printers best practices to be aware of involves not just knowing where to post on social media but what type of content will allow your print business to soar. Obviously, your ideal customer won’t be on all social networks at the same time. Some print audiences will skew towards Facebook; others might prefer the short bursts of information that Twitter provides. More professional-driven audiences spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. The list goes on and on. Once you know where your audience is, you need to know what type of content to post to attract their attention. The majority of what
Let’s talk about the call-to-action button. We’ll call it the CTA button for short. A call-to-action button (or CTA button) directs your Page visitors to do something specific, like visit your website or call your printshop. Including links in your social profile bios as CTAs to key landing pages can help drive growth and traffic to your website. Here’s how you do it for each social media channel. Facebook To add a CTA button on your Facebook page, start on your Company Page. Below your page’s cover photo, click Add a Button. You’ll see a Preview section at the top that shows what your button would look like. Select a button to see how it will look. For example, if you want people to go order printing online with you, click Shop with You. You can customize your button by answering more questions. For example, where do you want to send people to buy printing? Do you want to send them to your website’s homepage or a specific online ordering form? Click Finish to add the CTA button to your page. Instagram Bio Follow these steps to add a CTA to your business profile on Instagram. Tap Edit Profile.
Twenty years ago, it was easy to figure out who your competition was. Why? Because your competition was another locally owned business just like you are. In almost every case, your competition was the printing firm located just down the street, or maybe it was a big commercial printer located over on the other side of town. Back then, it was relatively easy for you to know who your competition was and have a pretty good idea of how big they were, what kind of equipment they had, and how good their print quality was. You could pretty much know everything about them because they were local folks just like you were. Ordering Printing: The Way Things Were Everybody had a lot in common back then. There’s a pretty good chance you all used the same paper suppliers, the same press repairmen, and even had the same utility companies. And, knowing so much about local competitors made it easier to compete against them. Back then, when you wanted to grow sales or increase market share, all of your marketing efforts were locally focused. All you had to do was to try and come up with a better way to tell
Social media marketing is an essential tool for helping you sell more printing. While you might already have your “hat in the ring” on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, many printers have yet to take advantage of the many benefits Instagram marketing can provide for their printing firm. Why You Need to Consider Instagram for Your Print Business Instagram marketing is no longer a mere trend for the “young’uns.” Rather, it has grown to reach over 1 billion users with 95 million photos and videos posted daily. If that weren’t enough, check out these other powerful Instagram marketing statistics: According to Forrester.com, Instagram initiates more engagement — reaching 4% of followers, while Facebook typically reaches .1% of followers. Instagram is an impressive tool for research. Roughly 70% of Instagram users have used the platform for brand research at some point. (Iconosquare) A typical Instagram user will spend 28 minutes per day on the app. With numbers like those, you may start to wonder how you can use it for your benefit and how your business can stand out in such a vast sea of competing content. But, keep in mind that beyond the numbers, Instagram allows you to:
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